Super Relaxer - 16 oz. Bottle
Super Relaxer - 16 oz. Bottle
This product is unequaled for its penetrating powers to open up the fibers of the flesh and bring them to that "just skinned" condition. A limp, completely relaxed skin is much easier to flesh or shave, and unless the fibers are open, you may not get a full penetration of the pickle. Ultra-Soft allows the pickle to quickly acidify the flesh, thus preventing any slippage. Its washing qualities also clean the hair or fur of debris, as well as remove any of its natural fatty oils.
Ultra-Soft is non-ionic and biodegradable. After its use, it can be safely disposed of in a sewage or septic system. It has no residue, and treated skins rinse free. It is extremely compatible over a wide range of other chemicals, including salt.
Ultra-Soft is an excellent relaxer to use on greasy skins. Mix enough Ultra-Soft and add water to completely submerge your skins, add Bacteriacide if you desire, and allow the skins to relax for 12-24 hours. After relaxing, any fat, meat or membrane still remaining on the flesh can be removed, the skin rinsed, and placed in the pickle. Later, the skin can be shaved thin when fully pickled.
16 oz. bottle