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Bradley Smoker Hickory Wood Bisquettes - 48 Count



Bradley Smoker Hickory Wood Bisquettes - 48 Count


Bradley Smoker Hickory Wood Bisquettes ® are made from pure wood. So you can smoke food with pure delicious taste.

The strong and sweet flavour of Hickory Bisquettes makes it one of the more popular woods for smoking, and what many consider to be, the best for smoking pork. If it gets a little too strong, a good tip is to tone down the Hickory flavour by mixing it with Oak Flavor Bisquettes.

Hickory Flavor Bisquettes especially pair well with poultry, beef, pork, game, waterfowl, nuts, and cheese.

Bradley Smokers extinguish the Bisquettes® before they turn to foul-tasting and harmful gas chemical. Generating deliciously clean and taste-enhancing smoke for your food. 

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